The Main Range Extravaganza is the club's big ski trip of the year. We head up to the Main Range, build a snowtropolis, then engage in various snow-shenanigans (last year there was firn gliding, volleyball, sack racing and snow kayaking!). The trip will again be held on the ACT Family & Community Day long weekend (Australia's most contrived public holiday), which will hopefully mean warm, sunny conditions with lots of corn snow. You can read about last year's Extravaganza on Jess's blog, the EPIC magazine, or watch a video of it...
The trip will be organised by several trip leaders who will each run their own independent trip of 4-8 people. Most trips will go from Saturday to Monday, but a small group will go up early on Friday to start building Snowtropolis, and there might be some trips that only go for 1 or 2 of the 3 days. There should be trips for telemark skiing, alpine touring, nordic skiing, snowshoeing, and possibly fat-biking and kayaking. We're keen to get the kayak up there again, but last year's kayak team have said that they'd like to pass the baton on this year - so get in touch if you want to be part of team kayak. Signups for these trips will open about 2 weeks beforehand. If you'd like to lead one of these trips, then contact me so I can coordinate.
We're thinking of hacking together a lightweight BBQ this year, so we're also on the lookout for as many liquid fuel stoves (e.g. MSR Whisperlite, Primus Multifuel, Optimus Nova, etc.) as we can get our hands on. Get in touch if you're willing to lend your stove to the cause.