Booroomba weather isn't too promising and the coast is looking ok.
Sports climbing: bring some food, water, a jacket, and a head torch (just in case we get lost if we go to new nowra). You'll need to have all the usual gear (including helmet - mandatory). As a minimum you'll need a helmet, a harness, shoes, an autolocking belay device and some slings and biners so you can clean a route. If you have a rope and draws, please bring them.
This trip is only suitable for people with some outdoor sports climbing experience. You need to know how to put up and clean a route and lead belay. Depending on sign ups, there may be space for one or two people who have climbed outdoors and can lead belay, but not clean.
Depending on who signs up and what grades people want to climb, we'll figure out the precise destination by email or on the way. I'm partial to easier grades so the Lair or Thompson's Sunrise are always on the cards.
All sign ups are expressions of interest only and I'll be in touch. If I haven't climbed with you, please email me with a bit about your climbing history and whom you've climbed with in the club.
Go towards Nowra and climb some stuff. Return.