ACTRA has just created an entry form for rogainers to register their interest in participating in the ACT SES NAVCAN event on Saturday 2 June.
The NAVCAN event is a 6 hour event run by the ACT SES (State Emergency Service) as a training exercise. It is a 6 hour event and the exact location (in the ACT, within 90 minutes of Canberra) will be announced only a few days before the event. ACTRA doesn't have a lot of information about the event and there is no official web page we can find, but informal contact was made with the course setters in the field and they said any rogainers would be welcome to come along, and that there is no charge.
In light of that, ACTRA has created a free event (entry fee appears as $1 but just don't worry about paying) where you can register a team so that we can inform SES of possible interest by ACTRA teams coming to the event. There is no charge for the event, however SES will incur costs printing maps, etc so PLEASE DO NOT register unless you are serious about doing the event. We also strongly encourage any teams participating to make a donation to ACT SES in recognition of the valuable contribution they make to the ACT community in times of need, as well as the efforts they are going to in running the event.
This is a low key event and differs from a normal rogaine in a few ways:
• each team will need to mark the control locations from grid references onto their maps (this is a training event for emergency services)
• you will need to cover your map with contact or use a map case.
• there is no catering after the event - please bring your own food and water for during and after the event.
See ACTRA website. If any ACTRA members have any more information they can pass on, please contact David Baldwin
Pick up from Canberra in morning. Drive to location, nav like a bitch. Drive home by 9pmish