We are going to walk a section of the Canberra Centenary Trail and do a side trip to visit a private farm owned by the Vincent family - "Gollion". I'd like to walk the the other side of Canberra that I've never been to which is still accessible by bus, and also visit a friend's farm which has an Aboriginal history. The family shows that there is "nothing to fear from listing an Aboriginal Place on a private property". (Have a read: https://bit.ly/2Dhm05A) This walk is suitable for those who haven't done any overnight walk before.
Day 1 (~13km):
Meet at the City Bus Station (Bay 6) at 1545. We will take the "Emu" bus to Hall village. From there we will walk to One Tree Hill Lookout and then to the Northern Border Campsite. Note that campfire is not permitted.
Day 2 (~25km):
In the morning we will walk to Gollion via the Mulligans Flat Road--a 13km walk which could be a bit monotonous. After a 2-hour stay in the farm we hit the same road again (we might be able to get a lift) and walk to Forde, where we take the bus back to Civic. There is no specific program during the visit yet, but we are likely to see the tree scars, stone artefacts and an ancient quarry.
Gear you need:
*Tent (shared among us)
*Sleeping bag
*Foam Mat
*Head torch
*Cooking gear
Toiletries/ personal clothing
Hat/ Sunscreen
3L water
1x Dinner, 1x Lunch, 1x Breakfast and snacks
Gear with * can be hired from the gear store. I will assist with gear hiring on our pre-trip.
Bus full fare: From Civic to Hall region (cash) and from Forde to Civic (MyWay card) both $4.90.