Archived trip from old website run by danielct
Climb at red rocks.
I'm planning to go sport climbing at Red Rocks. The crag is a 30 minute drive and 20 minute walk from ANU. We'll leave from ANU at around 11 am, and return around 8 pm.
I can take a few beginners but you need to have at least climbed indoors and be able to belay. If I haven't climbed with you, please detail your experience in the "comments" section when signing up. Climbers who are not self-sufficient (that is, able to lead and clean) should view their sign-up as provisional. I'll finalise the numbers on Wednesday night.
You need to bring (anything you don't have can be hired from the gear store):
- Personal climbing gear - a helmet, harness, and belay device (preferably a mega-jul or ATC pilot).
- Sun protection.
- Food and water.
- Swimmers (optional, but the crag is right next to the river).
Climb at red rocks.
Trip category
Date and Time
Estimated Costs