This trip is part of the BME. To attend, you need to also sign up for the main BME trip.
Pierces Pass has some of the finest multipitch sport climbing in Australia, and it's only 15 min from the BME campsite. However, this is moderate-to-hard multipitch climbing with abseil access. To come you must, at minimum, be able to comfortably climb 5 pitches of grade 18, abseil with a backup, and ascend a rope. Ideally, you should be comfortable leading multipitch sport climbs and have the relevant self-rescue skills.
Unless I know you well, please provide answers to these questions in the "comments" section: 1) Have you climbed mulitpitch before? If yes, what climb(s)? Did you have an epic? Why? 2) If you can lead multipitch are you comfortable with a follower who is much less experienced? 3) What grades are you comfortable leading and seconding? Please also let me know which climbs you want to do.
I'll do my best to match people up, but treat your sign up as provisional if you're not capable of leading any routes here.
There will be minimal supervision for climbing parties. I can give you approach information, and we may team up on the abseils to save carrying extra ropes.
In case it's not obvious, you need to bring:
- A headtorch.
- Sufficient food and water.
- Enough warm clothes to be stuck out overnight without feeling too uncomfortable (it may get as low as 10 degrees).
- Sun protection.
Climb routes in the BBB area.