Outdoor climbing anybody? Rather than spending the day local, I was hoping to daytrip to Mt Alexandra near Mittagong.
For your reading pleasure, here is the Guide from the crag (https://www.thecrag.com/climbing/australia/mt-alexandra). Simply, it offers a range of routes from low teens to mid twenties and adds a little variety for those feeling tired of the Canberra crags.
There are no real costs involved other than petrol. It is about a 2hr drive to Mittagong, so it'll be about $30-40 per car, split evenly. There is space for some beginners on this trip, although final numbers will have to reflect a ratio between beginner and experienced sign ups, so some beginners may unfortunately miss out. If anybody has access to a car as well that would also be great!
You will need (most can be hired from gear store): helmet, harness, belay device, locking carabiner, climbing shoes (optional but very useful!), appropriate clothing for weather, food and water for 1 day. When you sign up, please include your climbing experience (if any) and if you can bring a car.
This trip is dependent on someone registering with a car.
The plan is to meet at ANU gym at 8am on Sunday morning. We'll do a full day of climbing aiming to be back in Canberra by 8pm. There will be no pre-trip.
Drive to Mt Alexandra. Climb. Go home.