Archived trip from old website run by Melanie Stamell
Plan on going Skiing this year? Come to the Ski Orientation Night to learn all about what skiing is and what you need to do to make it happen!
Specifically, we'll go over:
- The different types of skiing that the ANUMC undertakes
- What gear you'll need and which gear you can hire from the gear store
- What to expect on a backcountry ski trip
- What preparation you'll need to do before a ski trip (maps, weather, experience etc)
There will be pizza and beer ($10). Sign up to this trip and let me know if you plan to partake in the pizza and beer (this helps with planning).
Thursday 6th June, 6:30 pm. Location: Gould 236. Gould building:,149.1158188,206m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b164d457c0e7141:0x232faecf779c95de!8m2!3d-35.2766134!4d149.1159779
Trip category
Date and Time
Estimated Costs