Archived trip from old website run by Fiona Xu
Why Climb and Cry when you can Climb and Karaoke instead?
We all know it's that time of the semester when you're feeling stressed, overworked and on the brink of burnout (who am I kidding, that's every week of the year)!
Come for a climb / cry / chat / karaoke / all of the above and let out some of that pent-up, academia-related angst (or personal life angst, whatever, it's your call, we're here for you) on Wednesday 9th October 4-7 PM at the climbing wall.
I will bring a speaker and a playlist. Please submit song requests in your registration. You can, of course, also make song requests at the wall but consider this an indication of laziness that will be frowned upon (this is a joke, I'm not scary, ad hoc requests are 100% welcome).
Trip category
Date and Time
Estimated Costs