We'll probably camp at Pretty Beach campsite on Friday night and then do a car-shuffle and paddle Nth-Sth or Sth-Nth depending on forecast wind and sea conditions. We'll camp somewhere along the way depending on how we're sea-faring. You'll have to be able to paddle for 4-5 hours each day, but we should be able to find a sheltered landing somewhere for a lunch break. Numbers will depend on experience among the group. If you haven't paddled with me recently (12months) let me know what your experience/skill level is. I suspect that numbers will be such that only people with a reliable roll will be able to join us, if I haven't paddled with you recently, as it's too dangerous to have a large group of inexperienced people toppling over in unison in the open ocean, regardless of how well everyone else has practiced their assisted re-entries.
See above Trip description. Paddle from Kioloa to Maloneys beach.