I can't sign in / make an account!!
When you sign up, an account will automatically be made for you on the website within a few hours. Check your emails (and spam!) for a message from anumc.noreply@gmail.com. This will give you a login link and some instructions to get you started with the Club.
Be patient and wait after you pay on ANU Sport's website. If you still don't get an email after a day, please contact us as something has gone wrong!
How do I join a trip?
See this page
How much do trips cost?
Costs for each trip are detailed on their respective trip calendar entry. Most trips are run by volunteers who do not charge for their time. Trip costs normally include park entry and travel (fuel costs). These are shared between participants with payment coordinated by the trip leader. Participants cover their gear hire and food.
When external instructors are hired to run courses for members a discounted rate is often provided for members who actively contribute to the club. This is decided at the discretion of the exec.
What if there are no trips in my favourite activity?
- Most trips are run by volunteers so may not always be available.
- Message the Slack or Facebook groups (on the contact page)
- Come up with a plan and be willing to coordinate the trip. A suitable Trip Leader or supervisor may be available to help. The club also has a large selection of guide books and maps in the gear store.
- Consider leading your own trip!
I'm not sure if I have the right gear
You should be able to hire most of the gear you need from the gear store. For other items like clothing or footwear, check with your trip leader at the pre-trip meeting. There is some advice about activity specific gear on the Activities pages.
Someone has asked me to be a Safety Contact for a trip, what's that?
If the person who nominated you is overdue to return from their trip, then you should contact someone on the ANUMC exec. They will make further enquiries using the information stored on the website and contact the authorities if necessary.