Every member is encouraged to be a Trip Leader. As well as supporting the club, it is a great way to develop leadership, interpersonal and risk management skills. Trips do not need to be complex. The simple ones are often the best.
To run a trip, firstly identify an activity or location that is within your ability. If in doubt, contact the relevant activity officer for options and discuss potential plans before posting a trip.
ANUMC Safety Policies and Procedures
In 2015 the ANUMC developed a set of principles detailing safety processes for club activities. These Safety Principles were consolidated in 2020 into the ANUMC Safety Policies and Procedures which includes duty of care, minimum equipment, supervision ratios, activity best practices and emergency procedures. Although they may seem overwhelming at first, the processes are mostly common sense and can be tailored to suit the complexity of the trip.
Trip Leaders need to be familiar with the ANUMC Safety Policies and Procedures before leading a trip.
Posting a Trip
Trips are posted through this website by logging in and selecting Organise a Trip. Social trips are available from the drop down menu beneath this. Any trip can be created by any trip member. Regular trips require approval from the relevant activity officer, where social trips appear on the calendar right away.
Most fields on the trip creation web-form are self-explanatory. If you are unsure contact a web officer or other committee member.
Pre trip meeting: You can include a PTM for larger or more technical trips. This is a chance to meet in the gear store, chat in person and organise equipment.
When the activity status is changed from Draft to Pending, the applicable activity officer is automatically notified. If they are happy with the plan, they will approve it and it will appear on the Trip Calendar.
Managing your Trip
Once your trip is on the calendar, any member can sign up. I'll refer to these people as 'registrants'. It is your responsibility to choose who is on the trip, and email successful applicants. Currently, the website doesn't have a queueing system, but this feature will be included in an update soon.
Steps for selecting your participants:
- Remove registrants who don't match your experience criteria
- Accept people in the order of when people registered up until your trip capacity
- Email everyone, telling each registrant who is 'on' the trip or not. It's your responsibility to ensure that all registrants are communicated to.
Once you have a set of participants, you can continue emailing communications (best for small trips) or for more complicated trips create a group (create a channel in Club slack page , FB messenger, whatever).
Important! Your word goes. As leader, ultimately you get the final say on how the trip runs. If participants go off on their own, try to mess with the plan, bring random other people along or otherwise make things difficult for you this is not ok. If this becomes a problem, you may remove people from trips as a last resort and can contact the executive (anumountaineeringclub@gmail.com) if you need help.
Driver reimbursement
Drivers are essential for running many club trips, so it’s appropriate that they are compensated the cost of their petrol. It's up to you how this is done - you can either collect money in advance and then reimburse drivers yourself, or remind each carload of people to please pay their drivers after the trip.
Normally it's good practice to pay them an extra 10 or 20% on top of petrol to compensate for maintenance, insurance, and to say thanks (trips don't happen without willing drivers!!).