We'll head out early on Saturday morning, probably stopping along the way to practice our survival skiing techniques (see the skeee skoool trip).
This will be a slow-ish ski group (sorry snow shoers you're stuck at sub-light speeds).
By logic, I guess that means you are either bringing your own skis or on club tele skis. If you are on club teles, I'll be in the gear store Thursday night to help you fit them.
The route takes us from Guthega, across 6km and up 450m to camp by Mt Twynam.
For new skiers, going uphill is not different from snow-shoeing, except you might slip over more often. Going down will require some finesse but the few steep sections can be bypassed with a judicious side-slip.
The only real requirement is a good attitude, lots of energy and snow-proof pants!
Probably back in Canberra around 9pm Monday night.