We only have a couple more weeks of decent snow! As such, I'm running an easy ski & snowshoe day at Mt Paralyzer.
To get to Mt Paralyzer we'll get to trek through the Perisher ski resort, while it's closed - which is really eerie! Once at Mt Paralyzer, we'll have lunch and the snow shoers can wander around while the skiers have fun skiing!
The slopes are suitable for 'sort of beginner' skiers. If you can't confidently pizza turn, then you'll have to snow shoe. Note - this is not a ski lesson, there will be no instruction. This is just an opportunity for you to practice and have fun.
What type of skiing should you do? Any of the following will be fine:
- Telemark
- AT
At the moment I have this trip planned for Saturday, but it might change to Sunday depending on the weather.
We'll talk about what you need to bring at the pre-trip meeting.