Archived trip from old website run by danielct
Climb at Wickerslack crag. (
This trip is intended for people who are interested in trad climbing and would like to practice placing gear. It will be held in conjunction with the beginners outdoor climbing trip We'll head out to Wickerslack Crag with a few racks and you can practice placing gear at the bottom of the cliff. If time permits, we can also do some mock leading and test your placements (with a top-rope backup).
We'll leave from outside the SRA at 11 am and return at around 6 pm. The crag is a 20 min drive and a 15 min easy walk from ANU.
You need to bring water, sun protection, change for car costs, and personal climbing gear (a harness, shoes, and a helmet). You can rent the climbing gear from the gear store
Climb at Wickerslack crag. (
Trip category
Date and Time
Estimated Costs