Break up the drive from the Blue Mountains Extravaganza to Canberra with a detour to Kananga Boyd National Park and a spectacular cliff walk to Kanangra Walls and Craft Wall. This medium grade 12km/5 hour walk provides awesome views of an exceptionally deep gorge (Kanangra Creek) surrounded by massive cliff lines (walls). The first part of the walk takes us across the relatively flat and open Kanangra Walls plateau from the edges of which we’ll get great panoramic views. The second part of the walk involves a descent of Smiths Pass (a rocky ravine) and a traverse of Kilpatrick Causeway, a narrow forested rocky ridge connecting Kanangra Walls to Crafts Wall. After lunch at Craft Wall we’ll retrace our route back to Kananga Walls car park and continue the drive home to Canberra, aiming to get there about 7:30pm (or later if we stop for a meal during the drive home). This walk is part of the Blue Mountains Extravaganza trip, for which you must be signed up for to participate.
As per trip description