Hi all,
This is a trad climbing trip for moderate trad climbers. We will be either climbing at Booroomba or at Orroral. We'll decide on the day depending on the weather. Email me your experience. Generally we will be targeting trad climbs in the 18-21 grade range. We'll meet at a predetermined location or I or somebody else will come pick you up if you need a lift on the day. That information will be conveyed to trip participants via email on Friday night before 8pm. Cars and other logistics will be settled via email between trip participants. If you are registering for this trip you will need to bring:
- shoes
- harness
- helmet
- ATC, belay device
- 1 or 2 slings
- water for the day.
After the day of trad we will be heading for beers and burgers at Capital Brewery afterwards to toast the days successes.
FYI there will be no pre-trip.