- Per today's Covid-19 restrictions, I'm reassessing the possibility of the trip. As it currently stands, the trip is still ON.
- This trip also includes a kayaking trip, which will be posted in due course. In order to join the kayaking trip, you must both register for this trip and have kayaked before. (Cancelled)
- I have increased the number of participants to 12 subject to campsite and car ŕavailability.
- I will provide more details on the trip organisation via email in due course.
Staying away from rowdy urban NYE parties? Please join me on a NYE trip to Deue National Park (https://bushwalkingnsw.com/park.php?nid=56) to immerse ourselves in lush greenscape of the wilderness. Plan is to do a car-camping and celebrate NYE, preferably around a campfire, at Bakers Flat Campground on 31st (https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/camping-and-accommodation/campgrounds/deua-river-campgrounds) and explore the Big Hole and Marble Arch (https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/things-to-do/walking-tracks/the-big-hole-walking-track/learn-more). We’ll also explore some potential walks and waterholes in the area, especially along Moruya River. We can add more trip participants and/or even stay till 4th Jan (Sunday) if need be.
**Please note that signing up to this trip does not guarantee a spot - I will determine final participants based on experience levels, car availability, etc. I will prioritise participants who can provide cars/transport. LET ME KNOW in the comments section about your bushwalking and camping experience.
In line with our Covid-safe policy: do not attend if you're feeling unwell, have flu-like symptoms, have travelled internationally or been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or your health is considered high risk. Please indicate whether or not you have the Covid-safe app.
**Please be aware that depending on weather conditions, this trip may have to be postponed/cancelled to ensure participants' safety.