The weather Gods have blessed us this weekend and to take this oppurtunity I am organising a trip to Thompson's point this weekend, we are going for some sport climbing on Saturday. It is going to be a day trip.
There are some easier climbs here, so beginners are welcome if you have a bit of climbing experience (have a belay pass from a climbing gym). Beginner numbers will depend on the number of experienced climbers coming. You will need to bring:
• Shoes
• Harness
• Belay Device
• Helmet
All of these can be hired from the gear store. Ropes and draws will be provided.
While signing up please answer the folwoing if you haven't climbed with me:
• If you can lead climb and lead belay
• What grades do you usually climb
• If you have a car and are willing to drive
Signing up does not guarantee a spot. Canceled if rain is forecast (hopfeully that is not the case). We will leave ANU sport at 7:00 am and leave the crag by 5:00 pm latest.