Sign up as an expression of interest (does not guarantee a place) for a climbing trip in NZ in January 2023. The dates are 6th Jan to the 20th Jan.
This purpose of the trip is to climb alpine peaks of various difficulties in the NZ Alps, perhaps starting with easier peaks near Tasman Saddle (Hochstetter Dome for example) with the possibility to progress to more difficult peaks depending on how the group felt. To be safe everyone on the trip needs to be very fit, and have extensive rock climbing, hiking and backcountry skiing experience (leading multi-pitch and related rope skills, multi-day hikes etc). Mountaineering skills are not necessary, as a day can be spent learning to navigate the alpine environment, using crampons and axes, rescue etc on glaciers and easier peaks.
The group will be small (max 4 people) with the idea of going into the mountains for extended periods (up to a week at once) with the possibility of walking or using skis as transport across glaciers depending on where we choose to climb. Lots of gear will be required, including a climbing kit and a backcountry skiing kit if we decide to use skis. Some of these items can be hired from the club (crampons for example) but you will require your own ski kit. For some more technical peaks you may also need to hire technical ice tools over in NZ if you do not have some yourself.
It is expected you have your own sleep system including sleeping bag and warm mat, and all alpine clothing.
Costs include flights $~1000 AUD, insurance, transport in NZ (up to $600), food for 2 weeks, hire.
If signing up please detail your experience and owned gear, and what you want out of the trip. Feel free to contact me if you have further questions. Again I will only choose people if they meet the requirements above.
TBA, Mt Cook NP, Possibly Mt Aspring, or Fiordland. Might hire a car over there depending on price.