**NEW DATES due to megastorm on previous dates**
The west side of the Main Range has some of the most spectacular views and peaks in the country. Starting Saturday morning from Charlotte's Pass, we'll avoid the superhighway to Kosciuszko as much as possible and go west instead. We'll hit up Mt Tynham, the Sentinel, Mt Townsend and maybe Watson's Crags. Return to Canberra Sunday evening.
This hike is for people with previous overnight bushwalking experience. Overnight temperatures will likely be near freezing, snowfall is a possibility (there may also be old snow lying around). There will be short sections of scrambling, though most of the hike will be easy offtrack walking. If I don't know you, which is likely as it's a while since I've been in Canberra, please include a short description of your previous hiking experience when you sign up.
My preference would be to drive up Friday night and camp at Island Bend. An early Saturday morning departure could also work; if that would make you able to come, shoot me a mail and I may consider changing if there aren't enough signups.
Tentative plan:
Day 1: Charlotte's Pass -- Twynam -- campsite (top of Strzlecki creek). Side trip to the Sentinel and maybe also Watson's Crags.
Day 2: Campsite -- Carruther's Peak -- Mueller's Peak -- Mt Townsend -- Mueller's Peak -- Mount Clarke -- Charlotte's Pass.
FINAL DECISION: reverse of above route