This three-day walk takes the Northern and Eastern flanks of the beautiful Jagungal wilderness. Expect snow capped Mt Jagungal, walking through open meadows dotted with flowers, ridgelines, three historical huts and of course summitting Mt Jaungal itself.
Day 1 we leave Wanniassa early morning and arrive at the gate between Happy Jacks rd and Cabramurra rd for a 21km hike towards Boobee Hut site. If we don't get to Boobee Hut we can set up camp on the way. This walk will be interesting but long and involving significant descending through Happy's Pondage.
Day 2 we leave Boobee Hut and head towards O'Keefe's Hut for about 11km for lunch and set up tents. We then take day gear and walk around to summit Mt Jagungal (if in fair weather) for 14km and about 400m ascent. We then return to O'Keefe Hut for dinner. We could also just rest weary legs at O'Keefes.
Day 3 we take a pleasant 15km ridge walk along farm ridge trail to Round Mountain carpark, where we will be picked up by car by 2pm.
As this is an alpine walk, late spring weather could mean sub-zero degree temperatures or mid-twenties fair weather. It's weather!
This walk involved both on and off-track walking and flexibility in both heart and mind. The trip is rated medium, but it is almost hard as there is need for confidence in hiking long distances and flexibility in camping, including carrying sufficient water on the first day for dry camping, if we don't reach boobee hut.
If the weather is bad or we start late we can take an alternate route out of Round Mountain Hut and camp at O'Keefe's or Mackay's Hut on the first night.
See trip description.