Hello hello welcome to the ANUMC!
If you're keen to get into the magnificent sport of climbing, or to solve the mystery of the weird white marks that appear on the walls at the National Library, then this bouldering come and try session is for you!
We will meet at the front of the National Library, which is an easy bus or bike ride away from campus. We will attempt several of the boulder problems on the walls here, and you can have a chat to us about all things climbing :D The climbs here can be challenging, but half the fun is working out fun and creative ways to make your way across the wall! Check out the Crag description here: https://www.thecrag.com/climbing/australia/river-crags/area/604507254
What to bring: just your climbing shoes and chalk if you have them :)
To sign up, log in to this website, select the trip, fill in your details and click Create Registration at the bottom of the page. If you do not have a login click the Create A New Account link to create an account. Then register for the activity.
In line with our Covid-safe policy: do not attend if you're feeling unwell, have flu-like symptoms, have travelled internationally or been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or your health is considered high risk. Please indicate whether or not you have the Covid-safe app.
Meeting location: the front of the National Library. https://www.google.com/maps/place/National+Library+of+Australia/@-35.2966239,149.1298218,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x699681870a900677?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwicjrOhkurqAhVKOSsKHSofCL8Q_BIwHnoECBsQCA