AVAST! This trip is for ANUMC trip leaders and will build on sailing and other skills learnt last weekend on my dam. Depending on weather and sea conditions, we'll either (Option 1): paddle/sail from Kioloa to Maloney's Beach or (Option 2): camp at Moruya river mouth, practicing skills in the shelter of the river and 'playing' in the surf off Shelley Beach. We'll probably camp at Pretty Beach campsite on Friday night and then do a car-shuffle and paddle Nth-Sth or Sth-Nth depending on forecast wind and sea conditions. We'll camp somewhere along the way depending on how we're sea-faring. You'll have to be able to paddle for 5-6 hours each day, but we should get some sail assistance and be able to find a sheltered landing somewhere for a lunch break. Numbers will depend on experience among the group and how many boats have working sails. If you haven't paddled with me recently, let me know what your experience/skill level is. I suspect that numbers will be such that only (extra) people with a reliable roll will be able to join us, as it's too dangerous to have a large group of inexperienced people toppling over in unison in the open ocean, regardless of how well everyone else has practiced their assisted re-entries. At the pre-trip we'll work on the kayaks and ensure the pumps are operating and the sails are ready to hoist (ie. The boats are ship-shape). ARRrrr. Cast Orf!