Looking for people who are regular climbers and who enjoy climbing/want to try climbing at the new BlocHaus (bouldering gym) at Mitchell
The goal is to create a regular community/group of climbers organised around weekly climbing activities at the same day and time. Trialing it with next Friday (22nd March) 5pm. If we have enough people, we don't need to get a single pass but can save costs by getting a 5/10 pass.
Participants can either head directly to Mitchell on public transport/own transportation. Alternatively, I can bring along up to 4 additional participants on my car. If you are interested in a ride from ANU, please sign up and indicate below.
Update: 8 of us signed up, 4 have indicated that they need a lift. So I wouldn't be able to accommodate any more. Please make your own arrangements to go to BlocHaus Mitchell.