Wollongong is a small town to the east of Canberra (roughly 2 hours and 50 minutes away). It has several interesting attractions, including the largest Chinese temple in Australia (Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple), the Illawarra Rhododendron and Rainforest Gardens, and the Wollongong beach.
The planned itinerary on 14/09 is:
0700: Depart ANU
1000: Reach and explore Fo Guang Shan temple
1130: Depart for and explore IIIawarra Gardens
1300: Head to Bombara Seafood restaurant for lunch along the coast
1400: Head to Wollongong Beach and chill until 1630
1630: Depart for Canberra
1900: Return to Canberra
Date and Time