We will be doing some skills this week if it is warm like it was last week. BRING SWIMMERS. I will teaching you guys some T-rescues, bracing, sculling, solo kayak re-entries, towing, basic throw roping, kayak emptying etc. Maybe a roll.
Weekly Thursday morning lake kayak. Start 6:45am with an aim to be on the water around 7, paddle for 50-60 mins, with boats away by 8-8:10am so people can get to uni/work.
Location: ANU boat shed (ANU Boat Club Google Mapssign up) and wear weather-appropriate clothing (preferably not cotton in case you get wet). The club will provide sea kayaks (double and single available), White water kayaks, paddles, and life jackets.
You MUST be able to swim. Best to sign up if you want to come, if no one signs up, I might decide to sleep in! If it rains on the morning of, I won't be there ;).