Another go at canyoning. Cross all your fingers and toes for good weather and no emergencies this time!!! There will be a canyoning meet up at Cathedral of Ferns campground at this time, so we will be surrounded by good company. All other trip details as previously outlined, pasted below.
I have a bucket list to complete so here's another attempt at canyoning in the Blue Mountains. I'm hoping to do some of the classic intermediate canyons (e.g. Claustral or Whungee Wheengee). Full disclaimer, I've tried to do this trip twice this season and been thwarted by weather. Third time's a charm right?
This will be a great opportunity to do some beautiful canyons, make more adventure buddies and hopefully plan future trips.
These canyons are fairly long days so you will need to have some prior experience canyoning. You must be confident abseiling, scrambling and swimming. I will give preference to people who are willing to contribute to the club in some way, for example helping out on future canyoning trips. If you're unsure if your skill level is appropriate please contact me. I will choose the group size based on experience, but am aiming for 5-6 people.
For safety reasons this trip will only go ahead if I find a co-leader. If you can help please sign up!
The trip is also dependent on weather. It may be cancelled last minute.