We'll be having a repairs session and stock take on Saturday, followed by a Sunday Monday Sea kayak trip over at Jervis Bay. We would be coming back Monday night (late).
The Saturday session will start with a morning where we do a stock take and tidy up of the shed, we could also put a whiteboard up or something like that, pretty it up a bit. It will involve researching links to figure out where we can buy the parts to replace what we don't have. I have some lofty ambitions to install some sailing rigs on single kayaks that aren't yet equipped, but that'll depend on if I can sort it out on time. We would then head out to a wonderful farm filled with all kinds of fun, a dam, climbing wall, animals, berries, FIRE, etc. Where we can also do some repair work and general farm upkeep if there is time. We would depart the following morning on our kayaking expedition. People who help with the repairs or have contributed in other ways will be strongly considered for the trip.
We will be camping and hope to use the sails on the kayaks to save us energy better used by our eyes and smiles.
It will be beginner friendly for those people who are already competent kayakers without much sea kayaking experience. We will help with cars, and will be using a trailer. Let me know if you have a car or not.